Native American LifeLines of Baltimore offers comprehensive dental services at little to no cost for all eligible American Indians/Alaska Natives.
Services include:
- Routine Check ups
- Preventive Care
- Fillings
- Crowns
- Limited Root Canals
- Bridges
- Full and Partial Dentures
Dental Clinics held:
Tuesdays from 12pm-5pm
3209 Eastern Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21224
☏ To request an appointment please call (410) 837-2258 ext.106.
Eligibility Requirements
All patients must meet Indian Health Service Urban Eligibility Guidelines.
Eligible American Indians/Alaska Natives include:
- Federally Recognized Tribal Member
- State Recognized Tribal Member
- Descendant of Federal or State Recognized Tribal Member
If you have questions about your ability to seek services at NAL, please call us at 410.837.2258.